Is it Likely for a Man to Die During Oral Surgery?

Oral Surgery

If you have been recommended for dental surgery it is normal to feel anxious or wonder about the safety of anesthesia. With any surgery there are risks involved. Asking questions is important, and knowing what the risks are is also another factor the patient should research before they move forward with surgery. At Jesse Lanzon, we provide safe and effective anesthesia methods only when necessary, for our patients. We safely monitor the patients during any oral surgery, and make sure they are comfortable.  Our team provides uncompromised safety using high end technology to give patients an exceptional experience when they visit our office.

What Are the Types of Anesthesia Used During Dental Surgery?

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthetics are commonly used in dentistry, and this is used to block the nerves so there is no pain. Local anesthesia is typically used for routine dental procedures such as fillings or crowns. Risks with this type of anesthesia are rare and this method is a great way to keep patients calm and relaxed during a procedure.


Sedation dentistry is administered by breathing in nitrous oxide, medication, or via IV into the patient’s arm. This form of anesthesia allows the patient to be somewhat conscious during their procedure. Sedation dentistry is safe, and doctors undergo extensive training to be able to provide this service.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia is typically done in a hospital setting, and requires an oral surgeon and anesthesiologist. This type of anesthesia can have side effects such as nausea or vomiting. The patient must be monitored closely while under general anesthesia.

A tube is used for breathing, and this tends to get in the way of dental surgery. Sedation is more commonly used because it can be controlled and reversed easier, compared to general anesthesia. Most dentists offer sedation dentistry because it is also easier to administer, and safely perform the surgery when the patient is somewhat conscious.

What Are the Risks Involved?

During your consultation we will thoroughly review your medical history and make sure you understand what is involved. We will discuss the method of sedation with you, so you are comfortable and know what to expect. Our doctors have extensive training in sedation dentistry, and this includes handling emergencies. Complications or death with anesthesia are rare, but it is always important to discuss your medical history before you undergo any surgery. Allergies and alcohol abuse are a common factor that could increase your risk for complications.

Complications of Anesthesia

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Swelling or numbness in the mouth
  • Swelling at the injection site

Dental surgeries are very common and when done by a skilled doctor, they are completely safe. At Jesse Lanzon, we provide an environment where patients can remain relaxed, and know they are in good hands.

Interested in Finding Out More?

If you are interested in finding out more about dental surgery contact Jesse Lanzon, and our staff will be happy to assist you.

How is a Broken Jaw Treated?

Broken Jaw

Jaws are an important part of our oral health and help us to function normally. Eating, speaking, breathing, and drinking are all essential functions of the jaw. When you have an injury to your jaw it is important to watch out for certain symptoms that may indicate you need to call an oral surgeon.

At Jesse Lanzon, we are trained to identify and treat jaw injuries or fractures. Our doctors have years of experience in oral surgery and jaw complications. We encourage patients that think they may have an issue with their jaw to contact our office, and be seen as soon as possible.

What Are the Symptoms of a Jaw Injury?

  • Swelling or bruising on your face
  • Protrusions on the side of your face
  • Pain that does not subside, or pain when you chew or move your jaw
  • Abnormal bite
  • A sudden overbite

If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. If jaw fractures are not treated promptly an infection could develop.

What Are My Treatment Options?

Any jaw injury is treated as an emergency, and we encourage you to contact our office. Our doctor will meet with you, and evaluate the severity of your injury. A thorough exam will be done and x-rays will be taken. Depending on the issue, our doctor will try and move your jaw into the correct position. Local anesthetics may be used to help with pain, and allow our team work on your jaw.

If the break is severe, surgery may be required. Some jaw breaks can heal on their own if the patient can keep their jaw still. If there are multiple issues and fractures, the only solution may be oral surgery to repair the jaw.

What To Expect During Recovery?

After jaw surgery your mouth will be bandaged and wired shut. This helps to prevent you from moving the jaw and damaging the area that was fixed. Patients will not be able to use their jaw, or open their mouth for at least six weeks. We recommend a liquid diet with some soft foods only if the patient can chew them. Our staff will discuss recommended nutrition during your recovery. We want our patients to remain healthy and maintain their weight. Eating a nutritious diet to make sure you are consuming enough calories is important. Overall, the recovery will take several months until your jaw heals successfully.

Will There Be Any Long-Term Effects?

Most patients heal perfectly after their jaw surgery. The function of the jaw is restored, and they can go back to their normal routine. Some patients may experience side effects such as jaw pain or temporomandibular joint disorder. Protecting your jaw from future injury is important. Patients who have dislocated or broken their jaw are more susceptible to future injuries.

Do You Think You May Have A Jaw Injury?

If you suspect you may have a jaw injury, we encourage you to call our office to be seen right away. Jaw injuries are considered emergencies, and should always be treated promptly to avoid complications. At Jesse Lanzon, we are trained to handle any dental emergency, and want our patients to know they are in good hands.

To schedule your appointment contact Jesse Lanzon, and our friendly staff will assist you.